Matt, the Language Assistant

por - 24.10.11

Today the language assistant has arrived at our class. His name is Matt, Mathew. He's from Eugene, Oregon. Oregon is one of USA States. He has been here in Spain since last weekend. He's going to be here until the end of May. This weekend he looked for a place to live.
When he was a child he studied Spanish for some years, but he doesn't speak it.
He likes sports, for example hokey, basketball, American football.... In America he worked teaching children to play soccer. He was working at a technology store too.
In the future, he wants to be a teacher, and this is the reason why he is here. He wants to take experience.
He has two brothers, one is 25 and the other 18.
He said to us he loves Spanish food such as omelette, beef... but he likes other types of food like pizza, spaghetti etc.
He likes films. His favourite film is Inception and he likes music too. He listens to some groups such as Nirvana or AC/DC.

By Xalo (4º ESO)

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1 comentarios

  1. I hope you'll enjoy your time with us and that you are going to learn a lot not only in spanish language but also many other things. Espero también poder mejorar mi inglés con tu inestimable ayuda.
    Puedes contar conmigo.
    Carmen Tembrás

