Writing with Chemical Symbols

por - 1.2.12

Do you think it is possible to write something meaningful just using chemical symbols? Impossible? No!!!! Our students from 2nd ESO in IES Adormideras were able to do it. They could have even written a novel if they were given time enough!!!

Their texts are very creative and funny. They were allowed to use chemical symbols and three wild cards plus all the punctuation signs they needed. Click here if you want to see their works.

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2 comentarios

  1. Paula Rio ( 2B ESO )03/02/12, 13:55

    Hello Adormideras I like all the proyects, but the one that i like very much is mine. Bye bye. :)

  2. Nerea Botana ( 2B ESO )03/02/12, 14:05

    I am Nerea B. This proyect is very very beautifull but my proyect ar the best!!! (:

