Una visita de Australia

por - 19.12.12

Hemos tenido a una alumna australiana, Emma Fox, asistiendo a clase de 1ºB Bachillerato durante 2 semanas. Hace 2 años su hermano también había decidido pasar dos semanas de sus vacaciones viendo cómo era un instituto español y aprendiendo un poco del idioma ... y le gustó tanto que ahora su hermana ha decidido hacer lo mismo. 
Esto es lo que escribió Emma de su primer día con nosotros:

Wednesday 21st  of November was the first day I went to the High School "Adormideras". As I was going to the first class, I felt very nervous and I wasn't sure of what it would be like that day. By the end of the first class, I was excited to see what would happen throughout the rest of the day.

After the first break, my year went on an excursion to another school where we listened to a presentation on film making. Although I couldn't understand a lot of the presentation, I enjoyed watching the short films they played.

I really enjoyed my first day at Adormideras because everyone was friendly and helpful to me and it was interesting to see the differences between this school and my Australian school. “

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