por - 12.12.11

  ¿Sabías porque en las películas americanas a menudo aparece una  familia dispuesta a comer el pavo el día de acción de gracias? ¿Sabías qué se celebra ese día? Aquí tienes algunas respuestas.
1.)  What day is Thanksgiving celebrated on in the United States?
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November every day.
 2.)  Where and when did the 1st Thanksgiving take place?
 It happened in 1621 in Plymouth MA.
 3.)  Who was at the 1st Thanksgiving?
The Indians and the settlers
 4.)  What does the President do with the live turkey?
He pardons its life.
 5.)  List 3 traditional Thanksgiving foods.
Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy
 6.)   List 4 activities that people do on Thanksgiving
. play games
. Pray
. Watch sports
. eat together
7.)  How do people give thanks to God on Thanksgiving?
Because of the religious aspect, and idea of giving thank,. many people go to church to thank god for many, things in their life.
 8.)  What are two ways that people volunteer/donate on Thanksgiving?
They volunteer at a soup kitchen ,they donate bread food and clothing ,they make donations to charity and volunteer in other places
9.)  What sports is watched the most on Thanksgiving Day?
(American) football
(Jesús Lydon Torres Martín – 2º ESO A)

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